Thursday, December 12, 2024

Together we have surpassed our card goal and created a total of 250 cards to send to Hospitalized Children. Congratulations!!

Please bring new socks to your homeroom teacher by tomorrow!
Our goal is to collect 100+ pairs of socks by tomorrow.
If the goal is met, teachers will be hosting an incentive day next Friday!

Any junior high or high school athlete that plans on throwing the shot put or discus this following spring needs to see Coach Martz by Friday. Stop in her room before school, during activity period, or after school.

Juniors- remember to bring your 1/2 sheet of paper to your job shadow placement on Friday to have the person sign your paperwork to verify you attended your job shadow. When you return to school on Monday, this will be returned to Mrs. Birnesser in government. Also, on Monday you will work in your English classes to write a follow-up thank you letter. If you are a junior taking CCP English, you will meet in the HS conference room during 7th period to work with Mrs. Losh on your thank-you letter.

Thank you and have a great day!

Superintendent: (419) 659-2639
School Office (K-12): (419) 659-2156
Central Office Fax: (419) 659-5134

Columbus Grove Schools
201 W. Cross St.
Columbus Grove, OH