On this page you can register for the alumni banquet, the cocktail party or both.
Please read the instructions below completely.
Make your selection from one of the menus below (enter graduation year if asked).
Note that you can pay using PayPal if you have an account. If you do not have a PayPal account, you can pay with a credit card by clicking the "Don't have a PayPal account?" link.
You will not receive any printed ticket(s). Your name and number of registrations will be recorded on our guest check-in list(s) for the events.
You should print your paypal receipt for your records.
Please email CGAlumni@cg.noacsc.org with any questions about registration.
(Register for BOTH the cocktail party AND the alumni banquet)
(Register for the Saturday banquet ONLY )
(Register for the Friday cocktail party ONLY)