Monday, December 2, 2024.
There is a sophomore class meeting today in the commons during activity period.
Any 7th-12th grade girl planning to play softball in the spring needs to meet in the high school gym during activity period today. Sophomores, please attend the class meeting and stop by the office sometime today to pick up information about the softball meeting.
Attention all Leo Club Members: If you’re looking for a trending activity to do with your friends this December, you can sign up to enter a cookie decorating contest! Sign up December 2nd - December 6th with a group of 3 other Leo Club members. The top 3 cookie groups that collect the most money will have their cookies sent to the Columbus Grove Fire Department, and all cash will be donated to local families in need of winter apparel. For more information, see Mrs. Birnesser during activity period.
Sophomores, remember to turn in your Apollo 411 Blast paperwork to your English teacher by this Friday, December 6th.
There will be no FCA tomorrow morning.