ProgressBook Alerts sends e-mail messages to a parent when a student is missing assignments or is getting low marks. We currently are sending the alerts every Friday afternoon. When you receive an e-mail, you can then log onto the Parent access site to view which assignments are missing or have low grades. Just follow the steps below to subscribe:
1. Log in to the ProgressBook parent access site using the Parent credentials you have created. Note that these are different than the ones your student has and enable extra features. Please contact Mr. Keehn at 419-659-5090 or if you need to obtain the registration key to create a username and password.
2. On the far left, click on the "Alerts" option.
3. In the screen that comes up, the student is listed with two checkboxes next to their name. Check the options for the reports you would like to receive for each one. If you select "Low Assignment Marks" you are then prompted to select the grade level you'd like to be notified at. Then enter the e-mail address(es) to which you would like to receive alerts on the right and click "Update" at the bottom of the page. If you have another student connected to your account, click their name at the bottom left and repeat the process.
You should then begin receiving alerts every Friday afternoon. Please contact Mr. Keehn if you have any questions.