There will be a parent meeting for 8th graders playing high school football next year. This includes parents of 1st year high school students. Meeting will be in Mr. Schafers room at 7P tonight.
FCA will be having breakfast tomorrow at 7:15 in Mrs. Stechschulte’s room. Everyone is welcome!
Students planning to take CCP next school year will be meeting with Mrs. Losh & Mrs. Bruce during their study hall in Room 135 on Thursday, February 27th. Please bring your signed letter of intent if you have not turned it into the office and a device to complete college applications and order transcripts. This is for CCP classes on and off our campus. If you have already applied please still plan to attend.
Tentative dates for summer CNA classes that are going to be held in Miller City have been posted in Schoology.
The University of Findlay has shared information for their summer pharmacy camp & upcoming campus visit days. These details have been posted in Schoology.
Seniors, a copy of your resume needs to be turned into Mrs. Smith by this Thursday.
Thank you and have a great day!