There will be an FCA tomorrow morning at 7:15 am in Mr. Schafer's room. Athletes and non-athletes are welcome! Donuts and drinks will be provided. Hope to see you there!
Congrats to the high school concert band for receiving a Superior rating and qualifying for State on Friday night! They received Superior ratings from all 4 judges, giving them the highest score possible!
Seniors, if you are pursuing enrollment in a local nursing program Lima Memorial Health System invites you to apply for a full scholarship, not to exceed $15,000, as you earn your degree! Information for eligibility, their selection criteria and the application has been posted in Schoology.
Attention Juniors and Seniors: *Prom Tickets for "A Night in Rio" will be on sale during lunch periods Wednesday, March 12 through Friday March 14th. Wednesday is reserved for seniors only. Thursday and Friday will be open to juniors and seniors. Tickets are $25.00 for prom and $5.00 for post prom. You must attend prom (dinner and dance) in order to attend post prom.
*A parent's phone number will be needed when purchasing tickets. If you are purchasing a ticket for a date you will also need to provide his/her parent's phone number. Be prepared to provide these numbers when purchasing your tickets.
*Students wishing to bring a non-Columbus Grove student guest must receive approval from administration. The guest must be a high school student or graduate and be no older than 21 years of age. Dance guest forms will be available when purchasing your ticket and must be returned to the high school by April 4th. No guest will be admitted the night of prom without this form on file.
Thank you and have a great day!