Columbus Grove Middle and High Schools will hold our New Student Orientation, 1:1 Device Training, and 1:1 Device Distribution sessions on Thursday, August 18th. Parents are not required to attend orientation or device training, but are welcome.
The schedule is as follows:
9:00 AM - All 7th Grade and NEW 9th-12th grade student orientation in HS gym (School fees may be paid in the office after orientation. Fees are $60 for K-11th Grade and $75 for 12th Grade.)
10:30 AM - 1:1 Training for all 8th graders & NEW 9th graders with Mr. Keehn in the Commons that will last approximately 30 minutes. Students can take their device home after the training to prepare for the upcoming school year.
1:30 PM - All 9th-12th graders that have already had a 1:1 device can pick them up in the Media Center until 4:00pm to prepare for the upcoming school year.